21    An uncolored rooster and the year of his pilgrimage


The summit where Tamatea, the man with the big knees, the climber of mountains, the land-swallower who traveled about, played his nose flute to his loved one old Constantine’s town Saint Mary’s church in a hollow of white hazel near the rapid whirlpool of the church of Saint Tysilio with a red cave it is named after the town of Tytsjerk, which in turn has its name derived from a person named Tiete fishing place at the boundaries–Neutral meeting grounds Eggewaart’s chapel two buffalos with one shot completely dead shot fountain leaf beach the low field of high pen of Azpilikueta almost big island? A fertile woman giving birth to a wide stretch of islands beneath a benevolent sky where the wild trout are caught by fishing with hooks? Venkatanarasimharaju’s city Jazgarzewski’s estate upper end of throat-cut hollow Warm geyser municipality where the devil urinates moose feeding place west levee of the smith’s hill-village Kleinfelter’s village world fair lane the town where King Georg of Hannover and his wife Marie built a steelwork cross road in Haalderbroek village of Marano field bullaun of the four beauties the place of green springs north Holland canal dike Small city of good news blind craftsmen guesthouse alley cold rune shire Reijmerstok town road home of the bishop(living next to the) Tauber(river) delta of Gasselt’s farmer’s bog named after Prince Prachaksinlapakhom, son of King Mongkut of Siam delta of Gasselt’s new bog moor of the heathery glade Schuiferskapelle road home of the vicar(living next to the) Bruche(river) the old settlement named after Nizhne-Stebliyevskiy kurin of Zaporizhian Sich city of Lord Anantha the upper new settlement named after Kutlumbet stone of the Corvino mount independence square? The deserted farm of the mill mountain strait? A temple is in Narasimhanaickenpalayam, named after lord Narsimha (lord Vishnu) Christina’s town god help Friedrich’s ground? The lower new settlement named after Kutlumbet?? Cool edge’s Shore’s municipality lock on the river Krammer of the hunt Seyðisfjörður town lower St. George in Jászság Bolungarvík town church farm cloister harbor fjord municipality St. George by Balaton beach of the children’s water in the mountains and river region western St. Elizabeth railway bridge over the Van Harinxmakanaal the end of the Cottonshope Burn—a tributary that flows into the river Rede lake by the mountain of the great white reindeer a new town near Mt. Kennedy merchant lock with gates the stars were dancing lock with gates over the Westerkanaal channel through the peat of Annen the island where boats entering the bay Oostrozebeke street the word itself is a kind of tongue-twister, i.e. “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” under Schaeffol’s hamlet little bridge of the tribe’s green in the middle of Schaeffol’s hamlet piggery between two briny places old city bay Gijzelbrechtegem street the slow freezing water’s mountain ponds hill of the children’s water in the mountains and river region ground of Siemieniak beauty sleeper street upper St. George in Jászság fertile Bretzingen an island shat by Saara noble blessed virgin tree channel through the peat of Eext.